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Saturday, August 8, 2009

IYA 2009 On Rise

IYA 2009 On Rise
The most important year of all time- The International Year of Astronomy 2009 has already finished 7 months of it's single orbit. During the course of this 7 months a lot of things have taken place. There have been important endeavors being organized by both local & international bodies.

On might say that the climax was reached, whereas someone would say it would be yet to arrive.
Whatever, happens I'm sure the global citizens have gained a wider perspective of the IYA 2009 during the course.

In fact we will do a retrospection later to comment and analyze the events. In this post I'll just be reviewing the IYA 2009 briefly. I was able to to find some important Youtube videos and you may view them here.

Basically the IYA has shown the sky to a large amount of people and still the number of people who were able to get the telescopic picture in their minds is increasing. The national nodes have meantime reached 145, reflecting the world's concern for Astronomy and Science in general.

IYA 2009, May you long live !!