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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Remembering Columbia STS-107, 8 Years since the LOST

It completed 8 years to the loss of Columbia spacecraft and its crew yesterday. The Columbia STS-107 mission started on 16th January 2003, with a plan for 16 days of experimentation related to micro-gravity. On its re-entry to the Earth, on 1st of February 2003 the spacecraft failed to land safely and was lost, due to a defect occurred on its left wing during the launching phase.

The Columbia crew composed of 7 astronauts headed by the commander Rick Husband, and all of them were thus lost 16 minutes prior to the scheduled landing at Kennedy Space Center.

Image Credit : NASA

The final crew of Columbia STS-107
  • Rick Husband - Commander
  • William McCool
  • Michael Anderson
  • Ilan Ramon
  • Kalpana Chawla
  • David Brown
  • Laurel Salton Clark

Today there are 7 hills in Mars, having been named after the 7 dauntless astronauts and they are commonly referred to as Columbia hills in memory of the orbiter.

I believe that more tributes should be made on their honor and they must be remembered for their sacrifice was eminent.