Astronomy Camp at AIS 2011

Well, this is the first blog post that I'm publishing after 2 months. I'm really sorry about the absence of updates and news as i was really busy with University academics and AIESEC work. This post is about the Astronomy camp that we conducted for the Asian International School (AIS) last 18th of March

Astronomy Camp - March 2011 at University of Colombo

I'm now gonna blog about an event that we had in our University almost 2 months back. I'm really sorry guys for dragging this such longer due to the busy schedule I've been undergoing last few months due to various reasons. Hope you don't mind me sharing in so late. Anyway here it is...

Watch Total Solar Eclipse 11th July 2010 Live Streaming from EclipseBlog

The most awaited total solar eclipse of the year 2010 is about to take place in less than next 20 hours from now. There have been a lot of groups/ individuals flocked at South Pacific islands and Chilean territories right now waiting for the eclipse to take place.

IYA2009 Commemorative Coins Issued by Many Countries Worldwide

As the title of this post hints, there were lot of countries involved in this worldwide celebration during 2009, which was the 400th anniversary of both the discovery of telescope for astronomical observation by Galileo Galilei and the publication of “Astronomia Nova” by Johannes Kepler. These were the reasons which were prominent in specifying 2009 as the IYA.

A Tribute to Fiami the author of The Lives of Galileo

I have already made a post about Fiami, and his great gift that I received during the Christmas season. I got many great feedback on that and even my friends wanted to read it, as none of them had the comic book with them, So I thought of doing a youtube video featuring Fiami

The Blog Has Moved !

Friday, July 31, 2009

Abbiamo un Posto Nell'Universo Seppur Infinitesimale - A Guest Post from Italian Blogger David Longo

« La filosofia è scritta in questo grandissimo libro che continuamente ci sta aperto innanzi a gli occhi (io dico l'universo), ma non si può intendere se prima non s'impara a intender la lingua, e conoscer i caratteri, ne' quali è scritto. Egli è scritto in lingua matematica, e i caratteri son triangoli, cerchi, ed altre figure geometriche, senza i quali mezi è impossibile a intenderne umanamente parola; senza questi è un aggirarsi vanamente per un oscuro laberinto. »
David Longo, blogging on Abbiamo un Posto Nell'Universo Seppur Infinitesimale |we have an infinitesimal place in the universe, Italy
(Galileo Galilei, Il Saggiatore, Cap. VI)

Prove di tal genere potevano essere offerte solo dopo meticolose osservazioni e lo strumento che le avrebbe rese possibili era stato appena inventato. Di ottica si erano occupati Giovanni Battista Della Porta nella sua Magia naturalis (1589) e nella De rifractione (1593), e Keplero nei Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, del 1604, opere dalle quali era possibile pervenire alla costruzione del cannocchiale: ma lo strumento fu costruito per la prima volta, nei primi anni del XVII secolo da artigiani olandesi, indipendentemente da quegli studi. Galileo ne ebbe notizia - e forse anche un esemplare - nella primavera del 1609 e, ricostruito e potenziato empiricamente, il 25 agosto lo presentò come propria invenzione al governo veneziano che, apprezzando l'«invenzione», gli raddoppiò lo stipendio e gli offrì un contratto vitalizio d'insegnamento.
Il Sidereus Nuncius

Per tutto il resto di quell'anno Galileo s'impegnò nelle osservazioni astronomiche: acquisì informazioni più precise sui monti lunari, sulla composizione della Via Lattea e scoprì quattro dei sessantatré satelliti di Giove. Le nuove scoperte furono pubblicate il 12 marzo del 1610 nel Sidereus Nuncius, una copia del quale Galileo inviò al granduca fiorentino Cosimo II, già suo allievo,insieme con un esemplare del suo cannocchiale e la dedica dei quattro satelliti, battezzati da Galileo in un primo tempo Cosmica Sidera e successivamente Medicea Sidera («pianeti medicei»).

Sono trascorsi 400 anni da quel glorioso momento e oggi come non mai la nostra sete di conoscenza rappresenta ancora una gola arsa nel deserto.
Il 2009 è stato proclamato Anno Internazionale dell'Astronomia, l'evento che ha dato una svolta all'umanità che ci permette di guardare il cielo e assaporarlo in tutte le sue sfumature.
Abbiamo un Posto Nell'Universo Seppur Infinitesimale

In Italia il coordinamento delle iniziative è da parte dell'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) che è l'Ente di Ricerca italiano per l'Astronomia e l'Astrofisica.
L'utilizzo delle missioni spaziali rappresenta un elemento imprescindibile per lo sviluppo della ricerca astrofisica e i ricercatori dell'INAF contribuiscono in modo sostanziale allo sviluppo dei programmi scientifici e alle ricerche condotte con le missioni dell'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), dell'Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA) e della NASA.
Quale migliore occasione per esplorare l'universo con i potenti mezzi messi a disposizione da innumerevoli Osservatori sparsi su tutto il territorio.

IYA2009 (The International Year of Astronomy 2009), a cui partecipano più di 100 Paesi, riveste grande importanza sul piano culturale e si pone, con i progetti di eventi e manifestazioni per il pubblico, degli obiettivi "alti" che toccano, tra gli altri, temi come il ruolo della scienza e il suo contributo alla società e alla cultura, la crescita dei Paesi in via di sviluppo, l'aItaly, Galileo, Galileivvicinamento dei giovani all'Astronomia, ed alla scienza in generale, la riscoperta del cielo come eredità universale dell'uomo, lo sviluppo sostenibile.

Attraverso l'osservazione del cielo tutto il mondo può riscoprire ciò che ormai da tempo, a causa dell'inquinamento luminoso e la frenesia quotidiana tende a farci dimenticare.

Abbiamo un posto nell'Universo seppur infinitesimale da ca. 4 miliardi di anni.

E come diceva un saggio siamo particelle cosmiche...

Iniziative in Italia

-----------Today's post is written by my Italian facebook friend & fellow astronomer Mr. David Longo on "We have an Infinitesimal Place in the Universe" upon my invitation. I would like to thank David on this occasion for his immense contribution and would take this opportunity to cordially request him to keep blogging and continue updating with Astronomy in Italy. Thank you again, David...

Desh ------------------

If you have trouble in reading Italian please use Google translator tool.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Felicitation Ceramony & Forming of Old Anandian Astronomical Association

Yesterday (21st July 2009) was such an important day especially for the Astronomical Association of Ananda College, Colombo 10. This was due to few important facts. The first was that the felicitation ceremony for 2 elite old boys of Anandian Astronomical Association, who were to go to USA for higher studies. Namely the duo, Sachith Dissanayake and Praveen Janantha have contributed immensely for the upheaval of the association by every possible means.
Felicitation Ceramony & Forming of Old Anandian Astronomical Association

The function was was ceremoniously held at the ground floor of the Centenary Building if Ananda College from 2.00 pm onwards. The teachers in Charge of the Anandian Astronomical Association, Mr Dhammika Ranatungage and Mrs. Sathitha Gunaratne were present at the event and they expressed their gratitude towards the service rendered and were quite optimistic that the duo would return home after the higher studies and would continue the gallant cause.
Felicitation Ceramony & Forming of Old Anandian Astronomical Association
Then there was the addresses by Sachith Dissanayake and Praveen Janantha and they explained how the initial steps of the association were made and developed step-by-step. As far as I was concerned I think those talks were very valuable for the new members and present board of officials.Felicitation Ceramony & Forming of Old Anandian Astronomical Association

We also payed tribute to the talented seniors with good looking souvenirs and each of us signed as a remark and and an autograph. This was alsoFelicitation Ceramony & Forming of Old Anandian Astronomical Association the occasion where we unveiled the new IYA 2009 official T-shirt printed by the Anandian Astronomical Association and I was very glad to notice that there was such a great response for the T-shirt.

The next important thing what was of higher interest was the forming of the Old Anandian Astronomical Association. It was officially formed and a temporary committee was appointed for the implementation of regular activities till a board of officials is elected.

In the end this became an event that was attended by many alumni of the Anandian Astronomical Association and many innovative ideas were made to be worked out. I really enjoyed the evening and we also had an after party, given by the outgoing duo as well.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Physics Olympiad & Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiads concluded successfully

With a good preparation for the Olympiads, I had also applied for the both Olympiads this year. Since the both Olympiads were scheduled to be held on the 18th July, yesterday I went to the premises of the Physics Department of the University of Colombo.

This year there was a considerable participation for the Physics Olympiad. And I was very glad at that. The Physics Olympiad was started at 9:10 am local time after the introduction by the chief examiner, who was Dr. S R D Rosa.

Speaking about the Olympiad, I have to tell that the 2-hour paper was easier than expected. As per my experience last year, ( I sat for the Physics Olympiad in 2008 prior to my Advanced Level Exams) this year's paper was easy to deal with. There were 20 MCQs as usual together the 2 semi-structured questions. However I managed to answer them well as far as I'm concerned and I think most of the students also did, as per their body language at in the end of the Olympiad.

As soon as the Physics Olympiad was over, the Astronomy and Astrophysics exam started at about 11:30 am. Professor Chandana Jayaratne was conducting that and it also went fine. In this IYA 2009 this was the 3rd Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad that Sri Lanka held. However, as per the resources I received there had been a huge drawback of participation from the students, the overall number of candidates, sitting for the Olympiad being just 65, island wide.Physics Olympiad & Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiads concluded successfully

If I talk about the Olympiad paper, I have to mention that the 20 MCQs were more innovative had left something think over for the candidate. The 5 Essay Questions we based on general facts of astronomy & Astrophysics in general. The exam was over at 1.00 pm after the Olympiad session of 1.5 hours was over.

It should be highlighted that Professor Chandana Jayaratne said in the end that there would be astronomy lessons included in the local Advanced Level syllabus, starting from the 2010, so that there could be a wider participation, next time. I'm also looking forward for that to happen ASAP.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Guide for Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad 2009 (Part 2)

A Guide for Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad 2009 (Part 2)
In this blog post I'll provide you guys the rest of the questions of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad as continued from the previous post at This will feature the second segment of the questions. As I have told you earlier, please don't hesitate to put a PM and get any explanation, answer known.

11. The brightest star of the Scorpion constellation is

a) Sirius b) Regulus c) Antares d) Polaris

12. There a two stars A and B with apparent magnitudes 1 and 3, respectively. The correct
expression about their apparent brightness is

a). Star A is 6 times brighter than the star B.
b). Star A is 6 times fainter than the star B.
c). Star A is 6.310 times brighter than the star B.
d). Star A is 2.512 times brighter than the star B.

13. The weight of a man on Earth’s surface is 60 kg. If he goes to the planet Mars, his weight at the Martian surface would be

a) 20 kg b) 10 kg c) 60 kg d) 120 kg

14. The escape velocity (V) of an object (at its surface) depends on its mass (M) and radius (R), and is given by V2 = (2GM/R). (Here, universal gravitational constant G = 6.67 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2). Suppose a star with a escape velocity of 1800 km s-1 subsequently becomes a neutron star
having a radius 105 times smaller than the original star, the escape velocity of the neutron star
would be (V2 = V Squared)

a) 200,000 km s-1 b) 180,000 km s-1 c) 180,000 m s-1 d) 569210 km s-1

15. An observer who is on the 150 northern latitude observed a star in the Ursa Minor constellation at 9.00 p.m. local time. The star has 250 angular separations with bottom star of the pointer stars of the Ursa Major constellation. What would be the altitude of the observed star after a time lapse of 3 hours.

a) 37.50 b) 120 c) 250 d) 150

16. A comet orbiting around the Sun has a perihelion distance of 2.0 A.U. and an aphelion distance of 6.0 A.U. Eccentricity (e) of its elliptical orbit is

a) 0.4 b) 0.5 c) 0.7 d) 1.0.

17. Using the Kepler’s third law compute the period of an asteroid orbiting around the Sun having a semi-major axis of 4.0 AU (astronomical Units). The answer in Earth years is

a) 3 b) 4 c) 8 d) 76

18. If the orbital speed of earth as 30 km/s and distance between the Earth and the Sun as 1.5 x 10 11th power m, the mass of the Sun would be (Useful information: Universal gravitational constant G = 6.67 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2).

a) 1.9 x 10 30 kg, b) 2.0 x 10 30 kg, c) 2.1 x 10 30 kg, d) Non of the above answers are correct.

19. If the focal length of the objective of a telescope is 1 m and the focal length of its eye piece is
10 mm, the magnification of the telescope is

a) 10 b) 100 c) 200 d) 1000.

20. A star gives a parallax of 0.29” when observed from the earth with a time gap of 6 months. The distance to that star in light years is

a) 3.26 b) 5.62 c) 11.24 d) 22.48.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Guide for Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad 2009 (Part 1)

A Guide for Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad 2009 (Part 1)
Today, I'm gonna provide you with some supplement for the Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad 2009, to be held on 18th of July 2009 at island wide locations. In fact I'm providing you with this past paper of Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad held in 2007. I think this could be a highly valued learning resource for those who are in need and taking part at the national and international level competitions. Please go through these questions and let me know how you feel. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have an inquiry whatsoever, related to these questions.

1. Solar atmosphere can be divided into three major parts based on temperature. They are
photosphere, chromosphere and corona. The most suitable answer for the average temperature
of the corona is

a) 6000 K b) 10000 K c) above 100000 K d) 3500 K

2. The sidereal day is 3 minutes and 56 seconds less than a solar day. This time difference is due to
a) Earth’s rotation
b) Sun’s rotation
c) Sun’s motion around the galactic center
d) Earth’s revolution around the Sun

3. The Polaris will not always be the North star due to

a) The sidereal day being shorter than the solar day
b) Due to the precession of the Earth’s axis.
c) The Earth's period being slightly longer than 365 days.
d) The Solar wind blowing the Earth away from the sun.

4. An observer standing 30o north from equator observes a star at zenith (right above the head). If the observer moves along the same longitude, 90o to the south from where he is, what could be the new altitude of the star?

a) 0o b) 30o c) 60o d) 90o

5. Red shift of the spectral lines show the distance galaxies are moving away from us. A spectrum of certain galaxy is observed in the H alpha region and found wavelength of H alpha absorption line is 6564.64 Armstrong. If the laboratory wavelength H alpha is 6563 Armstrong and the speed of light (C) is 300,000 km s-1 find the receding speed of
the galaxy.

a) 35 km s-1 b) 50 km s-1 c) 65 km s-1 d) 75 km s-1

6. The different bands of electromagnetic radiation consist of little packets of energy, called
photons traveling through space. The amount of energy this packet possess is directly
proportionate to their frequency. Find energy of such electromagnetic wave which has the
wavelength of 5000A (5x10-7 m). The speed of light 3x108 m s-1 and Plank constant
6.625x10-34 J s .

a) 39.75x1038 J b) 39.75x10-20 J c) 39.75x10-20 J s d) 30.34x1030 J s

7. The hydrogen in interstellar medium is generally quite cold (if it is not in the vicinity of warm
stars) and found in its atomic or neutral ground state. Such clouds are called HI regions. Cold
interstellar hydrogen emits radiation in radio region at the wavelength of

a) 26 cm b) 21 cm c) 5910 A0 d) 1000 nm

8. The term “Hot Jupiters” is a commonly used word among the planetary scientists in the world. This explains

a) The Jupiter formed much closed to the Sun few billions years ago.
b) Volcanic eruptions heat up the Jupiter’s surface.
c) Discovered some Jupiter size extra-solar planets are closer to the parent star than the
distance between the Sun and Jupiter.
d) The Jupiter becomes a star in the future.

9. Stars are born, evolve and die. The primary mass of the star decides the way it destroys. A star which is comparable to the Sun’s mass destroys as

a) Supernovae b) Novae c) Planetary nebulae d) X-ray burst

10. A, B, and C are three stars with temperatures of 6000K, 24000K, and 3500K, respectively.
What is the possible color sequence of those stars A, B and C, respectively.

a) Yellowish, Bluish, Reddish b) Reddish, Bluish, Yellowish
c) Bluish, Yellowish, Reddish d) Yellowish, Reddish, Bluish

The rest of the questions are continued here

Monday, July 13, 2009

IYA 2009 Astronomy Lecture on The Doppler Effect and Expansion of the Universe at Anula Vidyalaya, Nugegoda

IYA 2009 Astronomy Lecture on The Doppler Effect and Expansion of the Universe at Anula Vidyalaya, Nugegoda
Last Friday I was invited to deliver a lecture at Anula Vidyalaya, Nugegoda. (Nugegoda is a suburb of capital Colombo located 20-minute drive away from Colombo). Normally the Astronomical Association of Anula Vidyalaya holds their weekly lectures on Fridays. There are 2 basic lecture scenarios dedicated for both junior and senior students.

I think you guys are still aware of my fellow amateur astronomer Pulasthi Kanattage, who is also an astronomy lecturer. Usually it's him who lectures at Anula. However, as he had to go to Kandy for another astronomy project, I had to take care of his responsibility at Anula on that specific day (10th July 2009)

As lectures are usually started at 1.45 pm (In Sri Lanka schools open at 7.30 a.m. and close at 1.30 p.m.) I arrived at the school at 1.30 in the afternoon. Then I was accompanied to the lecture hall by a senior member of the Astronomical Association. I had earlier informed the board officials about the topic I would be lecturing. I hoped and had prepared to deliver a lecture on "Doppler Effect & Expansion of the Universe" as I had been told that I would get an audience where majority would be Advanced Level students (*Grades 12, 13). Unexpectedly I had to adjust to the situation as the audience was comprised of girls from Grade 8 onwards to Grade 12. Therefore I didn't go that advanced on the lectures explaining the analytical applications of Doppler Effect. Instead I showed them how to derive the Doppler Equations depending on the movements of the source and the observer. Also I explained how the expansion of the universe was proved true with the application of Doppler Effect resulting in a Red Shift. I also discussed the related topics including the introduction of Einstein's cosmological constant and Hubble's law which is


V= Apparent Velocity
H= Proportionality constant / Hubble constant
d=Distance to the galaxy from the Earth

I conducted the lecture till 2.50 p.m. and was glad in the end answering the random questions arisen, which proved that the girls have added something from the lecture to their knowledge.
I really enjoyed the lecture and an bit disappointed that I am unable to upload the pictures as I didn't have a camera at the time of lecturing. Don't worry, next time I surely will buy a new camera and let you guys witness the pictures and perhaps some videos too.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad National Competition Underway

I feel it's great that we can have our students studied and concerned more on astronomy in this year of astronomy ( IYA 2009). The UNESCO proclaimed year will likely be more highlighted with the performances of students at the 3rd International Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad, to be held in next October in Iran. (May the conditions be good for everyone in Iran by October 2009)

This blog post is about the readiness of Sri Lanka's team to tale part at the latter. We will first discuss basically and go deep soon into the topic.

Well, the last 30th (June) marked the deadline for the applications for the 2nd National Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad in Sri Lanka. I hope many of you guys have already applied though this post was late on my blog. The National Olympiad Competition is scheduled to be held on next 18th Saturday lasting for 2 hours from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. Competition will be conducted on following Universities of Sri Lanka trilingually featuring Sinhalese, English & Tamil.Astronomy & Astrophysics Olympiad National Competition Underway

  • University of Colombo
  • University of Perdeniya
  • University of Kelaniya
  • University of Ruhuna
  • University of Batticoala
  • University of Jaffna
The National Olympiads are conducted jointly by the Department of Examinations and Physics Department of University of Colombo.

Winners will be awarded with medallions and certificates whereas the top 5 scorers will be selected and trained extensively on Astronomy & Astrophysics to tale part at the international event.

I wish all you guys the very best in the contest....
Stay tuned with more news & updates with IYA 2009 Astronomy Sri Lanka

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Recalling the IYA 2009 Featured Scientist Eratosthenes

Hi all, In this post we'll pay attention on how Carl Sagan explains the contribution of Eratosthenes..This is such a great video and you are invited to watch this..

Recalling the IYA 2009 Featured Scientist Eratosthenes

And please find below the link to the previous post on IYA 2009 Featured Scientist Eratosthenes
Thanks for watching.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Aristarchus of Samos

IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Aristarchus of Samos
From today's blog post I'll focus about Aristarchus who was a remarkable astronomer lived during the past.

Aristarchus was a Greek astronomer and mathematician born in the Greek island of Samos. Later ha became an elite personality rendered towards humanity by the Greek locale. He was the first to tell that Earth rotates Sun and not vice versa. Aristarchus lived from 310 B.C. to 250 B.C. His idea about the heliocenticism was believed by nobody nor approved by any means whatsoever during his era. This was because everybody believed what they saw, which was sun rising and setting from either side, whereas Earth seemed to stand still.

Aristarchus's theory was influenced by Pythagorean Philolaus of Kroton. However in his model, he had placed the Sun in the center and other planets of the solar systAristarchus's 3rd century BC calculations on the relative sizes of from left the Sun, Earth and Moon, from a 10th century CE Greek copyem according to their corresponding order. It's sad I think that Aristarchus's astronomical information was discarded especially due to the other theories by Aristotle and Claudius Ptolemy, who expressed theirs on a geocentric model. This rejection lasted till the era of Copernicus and later Aristarchus's theories were extensively practiced and developed by the Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton. Today, the crater Aristarchus on the Lunar territories is named after Aristarchus in honor of him.

Thus I dedicate the IYA 2009 Astronomy Sri Lanka blog today for the great astronomer Aristarchus of Samos in honor of his outstanding contribution towards astronomy.

Friday, July 3, 2009

IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Heraclitus

IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Heraclitus
Heraclituswas a Greek philosopher who lived during the period of 6th Century B.C. He was able to calculate the diameter of the Sun and concluded it to be one third of a meter. Although he didn't succeed his contributions had been able to inculcate the development of astronomy. Th precise data about the Sun says that the diameter is 1.4 Million Km (870,000 Miles) as per the modern technology-abled data.

However this is what wikipedia has to say about this ancient astronomer.IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Heraclitus

{ Heraclitus is known for his doctrine of change being central to the universe, and that the Logos is the fundamental order of all. Today, he is famous for his influence on Friedrich Nietzsche by the idea of every moment being its own universe; summarized in his famous quote, "You could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you" }

Thus I dedicate the IYA 2009 Astronomy Sri Lanka blog today for the ancient astronomer Heraclitus in honor of his outstanding contribution towards astronomy.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Eratosthenes of Cyrene

IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Eratosthenes of Cyrene
Today, we will talk about yet another remarkable individual in the history of Astronomy. It's none other than Eratosthenes of Cyrene. Since his outstanding measurements have been so lose to the precise data, Eratosthenes of Cyrene is credited with an acknowledgment of great accuracy.

Eratosthenes of Cyrene was a Greek astronomer, mathematician, poet, athlete, and geographer, thus remaking his name in different careers. Eratosthenes was the first one ever to precisely calculate the circumference of the Earth. It's highly remarkable that he was able to perform this kind of achievement with his great abilities in Mathematics during his era, where he lived from 276 BC to 194 BC. According to his calculations the circumference of the Earth was 24, 856 miles which would be 40,000 Km. As per the latest measurements with advanced technologies, the value of the miles is 24,860 which would be 40,007 Km when converted, leading to a great degree of precision.

This would give you a clear idea how an old age genius was able to perform outstanding calculations some 2250 years ago.

Eratosthenes also made several discoveries and inventions including a system of latitude and longitude, which was based for the development of modern day scale.
IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Eratosthenes of Cyrene | 19th century reconstruction of Eratosthenes's map of the known world
Among other achievements of Eratosthenes are the precise calculation of the tilt of the Earth's axis, and world map. It's believed that he might also have accurately calculated the distance from Sub to Earth leading to the concept of lead day.

It should also be mentioned that Eratosthenes was the founder of scientific chronology. He committed himself towards the course of fixing the dates of the chief literary and political events from the conquest of Troy.

Thus I dedicate the IYA 2009 Astronomy Sri Lanka blog today for the genius Eratosthenes of Cyrene in honor of his outstanding contribution towards astronomy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Claudius Ptolemy

IYA 2009 Featured Scientist of the Day - Claudius Ptolemy
In this I'm gonna discuss the service rendered by Claudius Ptolemy for the upheaval of astronomy.

Ptolemy, who lived in Alexandria was a great scientist who had done an immense service to the astronomy. He lived from 90 AD to 168 AD playing the role of mathematician, astronomer, geographer and astrologer.

According to the Ptolemy's theory Earth was at the center of the universe thus leading to his theory ow Geo-centricity. He believed all other objects were around the Earth. He used geometrical sketches and diagrams to prove his fact. He had illustrated that Sun, Moon and other planets were orbiting the Earth, which was on the center. However we have been able to develop new theories today and confirm the accuracy of data related to Solar System and Universe. Although Ptolemy's ideology is no longer accepted, I believe in the fat that he was a great personality who contributed to the realization of the precise universe.

However it should be said that until the collapse of Roma empire, for over 1400 years Ptolemy's idea existed ans accepted without any debate whatsoever.

Thus I dedicate the IYA 2009 Astronomy Sri Lanka blog today for the elite Claudius Ptolemy in honor of his outstanding contribution towards astronomy.


It is worth mentioning his 3 valuable contributions to the mankind, being Almagest, Geography, Apotelesmatika (Tetrabiblos in Greek) each of which discussed mathematics, geography and astrology respectively.