Astronomy Camp at AIS 2011

Well, this is the first blog post that I'm publishing after 2 months. I'm really sorry about the absence of updates and news as i was really busy with University academics and AIESEC work. This post is about the Astronomy camp that we conducted for the Asian International School (AIS) last 18th of March

The Blog Has Moved !

Monday, February 22, 2010

When the Moon met the Seven Sisters

As I told you in my previous post about the When the Moon meets the Seven Sisters, program of the virtual telescope, it was conducted by Dr. Gianluca Masi from his backyard observatory in Ceccano, Italy. However the bad weather affected the event, as a matter of fact ! The event was attended by many people from different nooks and corners of the planet, building up a nice audience for the M45-Moon encounter. I was also a part of the audience and I managed to create a video where Gianluca Masi is speaking about Pleiades. I think many of you have already witnessed the following material last night ! However I thought of posting them here as...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

When the Moon meets the Seven Sisters : Pleiades - With Virtual Telescope Tonight

When the Moon meets the Seven Sisters, this is the latest public remote observation event that will be held with the Virtual Telescope. The event be live today (21st February) from 18.30 UT/GMT with the virtual telescope as the Moon will occult the open cluster Pleiades (seven sisters) tonight. Dr. Gianluca Masi has made arrangements to facilitate anyone to watch this real time as it happens right from his personal observatory in Ceccano, Italy. This is the second public event of Virtual telescope in this month. You can join this free public event at   I'm pretty sure that this...

Good News, I have won

This was a good news for me, It's a news about a victory. Yes I have won. You may now ask what and when, the W questions; Well this is it. I think you might remember about the awesome night we had recently with Gianluca Masi's Virtual Telescope. I was able to be a part of it witnessing a whole lot of new experiences all virtually. There was a contest along with the program, which was joined by many individuals from different parts of the planet. The contest was open for participants and I was one of them. Last Thursday I got the news from Gianluca Masi, that I have won the contest, In fact he has updated his facebook status with the statement...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Italy's Commemorative Card of IYA2009

We have heard of many souvenirs for IYA2009 in recent times. Especially there was an elegant set of commemorative coins/ numismatic material for IYA2009 from 13 countries, Austria, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Italy, Germany, France, Republic of San Marino, Vatican City, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania & Czech Republic. Many counties contributed to the IYA2009 with stamps and many other souvenirs. I never forget the phone cards of Slovenia, themed with IYA2009. This post is about Commemorative Card issued by Italy, the Galileo's motherland in commemoration of IYA2009. Below you can see how the Telescope was introduced by Galileo for the very...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Comprehensive Summary of IYA2009

Following is a JPG image that features a summary of IYA2009. You can find special statistics as well as many interesting stuff about IYA2009, you might not have known earlier. Please click on the image to get a larger view !...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Night with Virtual Telescope along with Gianluca Masi

Last Thursday evening (04th February) was so much anxious, for I was waiting for a great astronomy event to start. Not only me, a lot of my facebook friends and many others kept on sitting till the very time, for the Live event with Virtual Telescope flocking together to a unique webpage despite the different geographical locations they represented. This is the virtual telescope Moreover it's a privilege for me to mention Dr. Gianluca Masi the prominent Italian astronomer and astrophysicist, who brought all of us this superb virtual experience from his personal observatory in Ceccano, Italy. The...

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