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Friday, March 20, 2009

NASA Webcast to highlight Sun-Earth Day:Today

Sun Earth Day
Under the theme "Our Sun, Yours to Discover", annual Sun-Earth Day will be celebrated today, around the world. To promote the event, NASA scientists have launched a special Webcast, for the students and teachers to discover the importance of Sun and its influence on Earth, while SUN-Earth Day is recognized in conjunction with the spring equinox. The Webcast will commence today(20th) at 1 p.m. EDT (Eastern Daylight Time= UTC-4h) and in Sri Lanka the equivalent time would be 10:30 p.m.

Theme itself, celebrates the International Year of Astronomy 2009 ( IYA 2009) and focuses the daytime astronomy. A bunch of new discoveries about sun will be shared among the interactive-event participants, around the globe, including NASA, personnel as well. Participating students will be asked to present individual sundials, whereas others will be engaged in tasks, related to monitoring the sun and producing a unique space weather forecast through their own analysis.

"Tremendous strides have been made with satellite and ground-based observations of the sun, which have enabled us to monitor the sun to gain a better understanding of the processes that govern its influence on our solar system," says Eric Christian, a scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

Sun-Earth Day basically emphasizes the Sun and its influence on Earth and geospace -the proximity of Earth. Throughout last 9 years NASA has been organizing various types of projects to popularize the idea and make more people educated about the cause. There have been many NASA-sponsored public outreach events for Sun-Earth Day, mainly focusing NASA heliophysics research and discoveries. However the mission is to have as many people, including kids form kindergardens to grade 12 students, as possible to witness sidereal events and get them effectively involved through webcasts, podcasts, demonstrations, star parties and etc.

"These events also support the spirit of international collaboration, We are excited about sharing the latest discoveries about our sun and encourage others to join our quest for a greater
Sun Earth Dayunderstanding of our closest star."says Lou Mayo, project manager at Goddard for Sun-Earth Day 2009.

Goddard is producing the Sun-Earth Day webcast. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and the Adler Planetarium in Chicago also are participating in the broadcast. Moreover NASA Television and the agency's Web site will broadcast the event live.

NASA TV streaming video, downlink and scheduling information

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