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Friday, November 27, 2009

The SkyLK's Legacy of IYA2009: Special Award of Sinhalese Blogging Competition

This is the latest wonderful news that is fast spreading in Sri Lanka at the moment. It's not more than 6 hours since the awarding ceremony of Sinhalese blogging Competition. The SkyLK blog was awarded a special prize at this ceremony held by the Royal College IT unit. It can be concluded that SkyLK received the legacy of IYA2009, at the time when IYA 2009 is reaching its conclusion.

What a wonderful way to be paid tributes !! Here is the certificate SkyLK received. A big thank goes out to SkyLK for its endeavors in ameliorating the astronomy knowledge of locals to a higher level with manifold initiatives, varying in the range of updated podcast, blog posts, youtube videos, downloads (astronomy software like stellarium), important PDFs and significantly the online registration facility for Star Party 2009, enabled during the Largest IYA 2009 project of Sri Lanka.

The SkyLK's Legacy of IYA2009: Special Award of Sinhalese Blogging Competition

Here is the outstanding SkyLK team.

Anuradha Jayathilake
Hasitha Karunaratne
Madusha Dedigamuwa

Congratulations guys, you deserve it, the legacy of IYA2009 !!!