Astronomy Camp at AIS 2011

Well, this is the first blog post that I'm publishing after 2 months. I'm really sorry about the absence of updates and news as i was really busy with University academics and AIESEC work. This post is about the Astronomy camp that we conducted for the Asian International School (AIS) last 18th of March

The Blog Has Moved !

Friday, April 9, 2010

GAM-Global Astronomy Month (GAM2010) - Trailer Launched

Guys, here is the long waited official trailer of GAM2010 : If you have a close friend you'd love to take to a star party,a family member you'd like to show the sky,a colleague you've always wanted to understand the exciting things in the sky,a distant friend who shares your passion for astronomy,a stranger on the street you want to encourage to look up at the wonders that lie just above,this is your invitation to share the sky with them all.Take your family. Invite your friends. Share your sky.Be part of Global Astronomy Month.~One People, One Sky~ And here is the Spanish version of the trailer : El trailer oficial del Mes Global de la Astronomia, 2010, en Español. Un mismo Pueblo, un mismo Cie...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

GAM- Is There Anybody Out There ? : Spying the Exoplanet TrES-3b

Back to back nights with astronomy, which is such an irresistible sequence of events, were taking place right from 06th of April, This GAM 2010 featured remote observation sessions continued even on 07th of April, supporting the fact that quench for the true astronomy is hardly appeased. I hope this is the 2nd night that Gianluca broke rest. His dedication to the GAM & Astronomy is so remarkable... After running a long marathon collecting more than 100 Messier objects all over the heavens, our next goal was an espionage, Yes literally we set out to spy the Exoplanet TrES-3b, which was transiting over it's own star. We were led by Gianluca...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

GAM-Messier Marathon with 6,500 Runners ! 10 + Hours

I was lucky enough to be a part of the largest Messier Marathon, which could be claimed as the largest event of such a kind with the participation of more than 6,500 runners (participants) for throughout a period of 10+ hours. This was the 1st virtual remote observation session that we had in GAM, The observations were based on Virtual Telescope located at the backyard observatory of Dr. Gianluca Masi, Ceccano, Italy together with the guided narration from Gianluca. In fact the Origins of the Online Messier Marathon are connected with 100HA, which was a great project that we had during IYA2009. Now this endeavor is progressing with the initiative...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Set of Podcasts dedicated to Global Astronomy Month |GAM 2010

I was lucky enough to hear about lot of projects organized by different countries for GAM 2010. The GAM kicked off on 1st of April and this is the 4th day of GAM. Thus far, I have heard of Nepal's endeavors for GAM especially through Facebook network, I saw frequent status updates from my Nepalese friend Riwaj about their GAM activities started right from the 1st day. Well, as from Sri Lanka we will also have a set of projects to celebrate the Global Astronomy Month. As far as I am aware these projects include a series of GAM-dedicated podcasts, some observation sessions (day/ night) and astronomy talks. However I will generally focus this...

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