Astronomy Camp at AIS 2011

Well, this is the first blog post that I'm publishing after 2 months. I'm really sorry about the absence of updates and news as i was really busy with University academics and AIESEC work. This post is about the Astronomy camp that we conducted for the Asian International School (AIS) last 18th of March

The Blog Has Moved !

Thursday, February 26, 2009

IYA 2009 launched in Edinburgh, Scotland

Professors, scientists, accredited personnel, amateur astronomers, teachers and outdoor educators flocked at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh on 25th Feb. 2009 morning , to remark the launch of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA 2009) in Scotland. It is planned to host a variety of activities throughout the country and hosting will be conducted by affiliated Universities, schools, astronomy societies, education institutions and environmental groups. Activities include star-gazing, public discussions, exhibitions to celebrate the legendary 400th year since Galileo Galilei's first observations of the night sky with a telescope. Professor...

IYA 2009's"From Earth To The Universe ( FETTU)" Launched Globally.

FETTU - " From Earth To The Universe " another IYA 2009 project launched 25th Feb. 200925th Feb 2009 marked the international launch of FETTU project, another milestone of IYA 2009, with the initial celebration starting from United States. It was celebrated with an exhibition filled with vivid astronomy images and it's still open at the Tucson International Airport in Arizona. The FETTU is aimed at showcasing uniqueness of Astronomy and making it accessible to the general public, through a series of free showings across the country.FETTU is ranked a major project of both the US and global endeavours for IYA2009. High quality images taken from...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Comet Lulin Updated

The Path of the comet LulinClick the image to get a clear view!Through this image you can determine the path of the Green Comet and have clear observation without hassle.The constellations beside the trajectory will help you to identify Lulin, when it comes to practical observation.Of course the image is courtesy of Sky & Telesc...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Astronomical Society of Nalanda College

Briefing:Astronomy can be mentioned as a subject that has been developed from the beginning of Mankind to the present day. Therefore, Astronomy is the oldest science in the whole world. Though, it is gathering its pace through some present day to day scientific activities. School Education, Scientific Organizations, Government & Non-Government Research Institutions and Scientists in this field have been a big part in this process.Though Astronomy was one of the most popular sciences in the world, Sri Lanka was poor in progress. Therefore, at the beginning it was hard to carry on with our programme, because no one knew about this science and...

Astronomical Society of Dharmaraja College, Kandy

Briefing:Dharmaraja College-Kandy has a long based history regarding astronomy. But it was around the year 1996, the ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of DHARMARAJA COLLEGE (ASDRC) KANDY-SRI LANKA, legally came into existence. It is the common meeting place for students of Dharmaraja College to communicate-investigate-standardizethe knowledge pertaining to astronomy and allied sciences. Since then, ASDRC was able to serve the school community as well as the entire nation with a wealth of scientific intuition. Today it remains the unprecedented high-school Astronomical Society in Sri Lanka besides being the progenitor institution for a number of other astronomical...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Quadruple-transit on Saturn on 24th

Quadruple Transit of Saturn's MoonsBriefing:A life time experience: Never miss it... A great extraordinary thing will take place on Saturn as forecast by scientific community.According to Keith Noll of the Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute, there would be a quadruple transit of Saturn's moons. He said that Titan, Dione, Mimas, & Enceladus would pass directly in front of the Saturn and observers could see their silhouettes crossing the cloud-tops of the Saturn.Hubble Space telescope would not be the only observer as it is possible for ground-based astronomers to witness this life time experience. However it is such that the ideal locations...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Space Carnival: An innovative introduction.. 51st edition..

"""Hello and welcome to the 51st edition of the Carnival of Space! My name is Ian O’Neill, UK solar physicist and writer for the Universe Today. I am honoured to be hosting the Carnival, so thank you Fraser for letting me loose on seven days-worth of excellent space related news from the growing blogosphere. Astroengine is my online home, delving into the inner workings of the cosmos, so it’s good to freshen the site up with news from a superb cross-section of space blogs. There is a huge breadth of topics this week with no particular trend, but as Earth Day was on April 22nd, I’ll kick off with the some of the stories a little closer to home...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Cosmic Origins Revealed....

By National Radio Astronomy Observatory, [RxPG] Processes that laid the foundation for life on Earth -- star and planet formation and the production of complex organic molecules in interstellar space -- are yielding their secrets to astronomers armed with powerful new research tools, and even better tools soon will be available. Astronomers described three important developments at a symposium on the Cosmic Cradle of Life at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago, IL.In one development, a team of astrochemists released a major new resource for seeking complex interstellar molecules that are...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy B'day Galileo Galilei : It's 445 already & last year it was 444

Galileo's birthday:Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564. Neither his parents nor their neighbors in Pisa expected at the time that 436 years later a spacecraft named after him would be on its way to Jupiter, or that a crater on the moon would bear his name, or that more than two hundred thousand Galileo Internet sites could be accessed by a few computer keystrokes. But Galileo's road to fame was not without its pitfalls, and he ended up nearly blind (from looking directly at the sun through his telescope) and a prisoner in his own house, courtesy of the Inquisition. How did Galileo get into such trouble with the Catholic Church? The...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Approaching Comet Lulin

Comet Lulin is with a tail and an anti-tail on January 19, 2009, when Michael Jaeger photographed this image from Austria, using an 8-inch f/2.8 astrographic camera for exposures through LRGB filters totaling 10 minutes.Comet Lulin on February 2nd 2009, at magnitude 6.5 with tail and anti-tail. See the difference between two images. Various tail images from the Comet Lulin. Comet Lulin was discovered in 2007 by a Strait-bridging team of astronomers from Taiwan and China. Lulin is swinging around the sun and approaching Earth. Astronomer Karzaman Ahmad had this picture taken 7th Jan. 2009 from the Langkawi National Observatory in Malaysia...

IYA 2009 LK affiliated Observation Camp at Piliyandala

Yesterday, 13th of Feb. 2009 I got a chance of contributing to the 4th annual Observation Camp organized by the Leo Club, Piliyandala for the students of Kahapola Junior College. I was glad to see nearly 100 students from Grade 7 to 11 flocking together for such a scientific gathering. Camp took place at the college premises, starting at 6.30 pm and lasted till the the dawn of the next day.The participants got a fair knowledge on Observational Astronomy and had a team work session, where they made impressive modes of the Colombia Space Shuttle in memory of the 6th anniversary of the honourable astronauts of the very Shuttle.Apart from the indoor...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Primordial Astronomy Podcast in LK

Please find below the 1st ever Astronomy podcast cast on last Sunday 8th of February 2009. The location was Malabe, LK and the podcast featured three amateur astronomers talking about NEOs ( Near Earth Objects ). Review the comments and contribute to stuff such like this. podcast discussed about possible impacts and ways of minimizing the damage despite the Demise of Dinosaurs. Look on for the upcoming podcasts on knowledgable topics filled with enthusiasm and curiosity. PodcastersHasitha Karunarathne - www.SkyLK.comThilina Heenatigala - Astronomical Association of Si LankaSithum Gunarathne - Ahasa Astronomy Magazine

Monday, February 9, 2009

Antigravity Explained with Meissner effect

Please try to do your own research and submit scientific papers of your own. If you have videos related to this subject please feel free to upload them to youtube and post the link here as a comment.Meissner Effect Explai...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sri Lanka goes off to Orbits

Lanka going into orbit Sri Lanka is to launch its first satellite, a Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) type, this year, an official said yesterday.President Mahinda Rajapaksa has decided to name the satellite after space prophet Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Director General Priyantha Kariyapperuma said A second satellite, a geostationary type, would follow the Arthur C. Clarke LEO, he said. The TRC chief said these satellites...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sir Arthur C Clarke Memorial SF Short Story Competition 2009

Sir Arthur C Clarke Memorial SF Short Story Competition 2009SRI LANKA ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION PRESS INFORMATION NOTEDate: 02 February 2009 For Immediate ReleaseRef.: 2009-03Issued by:Sri Lanka Astronomical AssociationMr. Thilina Heenatigala.Mob: +94 (0) 716 245 545thilina_atn@yahoo.comwebsite: Arthur C Clarke Memorial Science Fiction Short Story Competition 2009DATE:02 February 2009Event: Science Fiction Short Story Competition 2009MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENTUnder the International Year of Astronomy 2009 programs, the Sri Lanka AstronomicalAssociation has organized a science fiction short story competition in memory of late...

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