Astronomy Camp at AIS 2011

Well, this is the first blog post that I'm publishing after 2 months. I'm really sorry about the absence of updates and news as i was really busy with University academics and AIESEC work. This post is about the Astronomy camp that we conducted for the Asian International School (AIS) last 18th of March

The Blog Has Moved !

Sunday, March 29, 2009

IYA 2009 Observation Camp, Kandy

Yet another Observation Camp that I contributed, was the Astronomy Camp organized by the Astronomical Association of Seetha Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Kandy.The camp was held to promote International Year of Astronomy 2009 -IYA 2009 from the evening of 27th March 2009 to the morning of the next day. It should be mentioned that the girls of the ( present and alumni members ) Mahamaya Girls College, Kandy took immense effort in bringing this camp into a reality. The camp was conducted by present and alumni members of the Anandian Astronomical Association ( more known as AAA) , Ananda College, Sri Lanka. This combination is best reputed as "Star Party...

Friday, March 27, 2009

IYA 2009 celebrated by Southlands, Galle

Under one of my Astronomy and IYA 2009 outreach projects I got a chance to contribute to the Observation Camp organized by the girls of the Southlands College, Galle, LK. The observation camp started on the 20th of March 2009 from 6.00 pm onwards at the college premises. Together with me, I had the accompany of Mr. Thilina Heenatihala, Mr. Pulasthi Kanaththage, Pavithra, Asitha and Basura as my colleagues.We started with a lecture on Celestial Sphere by Mr. Pulasthi Kanaththage and when it was getting more late we divided the attendees, who were altogether about 100, into 5 groups. They were taught on how to use the star map/ chart to track the...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Lecture for IYA 2009 by Prof. Kavan Ratnatunga

'The Role of Astronomy in Modern Society' by Prof. Kavan Ratnatunga Organised by Young Members' Section, The Institution of Engineers, Sri LankaThe International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) is a celebration of the 400th anniversary of Galileo Galilee observing the moons of Jupiter in 1609. 2009 is also the 200th birth anniversary of Charles Darwin who published his Origin of the Species in 1859. Both have led to our current scientific understanding of the evolution of the universe and life within it.The presentation will also address the role of Astronomy in Modern Society, including the understanding of the dangers of global warming and...

Free Hosting for Astronomy site during IYA 2009

In celebration of IYA 2009 - International Year of Astronomy, Web host Volcato Hosting has made arrangements to offer free hosting service to any astronomy site. Therefore this would be an awesome opportunity for you if you still use a subdomain or you are having the plan in the mind."By doing this, we can help the astronomy community — from experts, to amateurs and enthusiasts — to share their love of astronomy with the world," explained the company's Director Adam McMaster. "We believe that providing access to reliable web hosting is a great way to get more people interested in astronomy. What better way to help promote the International Year...

Globe at Night, now in progress

Globe at Night- the worldwide star count project started on last 16th March 2009. Globe at Night would be a major focus of International Year of Astronomy 2009-IYA 2009- and the project is scheduled to last till next 28th as urban skies are now being scrutinized by both digital and natural means. The mission is to obtain precise measurements of metropolitan area skies around the globe with the use of sky-quality meters.The darker your sky, the more stars you'll see. You can easily contribute to this worldwide cause bu submitting the count of stars you see in the night and eventually the data will be useful to analyze the most observation-friendly...

NASA Webcast to highlight Sun-Earth Day:Today

Under the theme "Our Sun, Yours to Discover", annual Sun-Earth Day will be celebrated today, around the world. To promote the event, NASA scientists have launched a special Webcast, for the students and teachers to discover the importance of Sun and its influence on Earth, while SUN-Earth Day is recognized in conjunction with the spring equinox. The Webcast will commence today(20th) at 1 p.m. EDT (Eastern Daylight Time= UTC-4h) and in Sri Lanka the equivalent time would be 10:30 p.m.Theme itself, celebrates the International Year of Astronomy 2009 ( IYA 2009) and focuses the daytime astronomy. A bunch of new discoveries about sun will be shared...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

"100 Hours of Astronomy" Celebrated by Goddard Space Flight Center

The 100 Hours of Astronomy a courtesy of IYA 2009 will be featured throughout the globe from 2-5 April 2009 and celebrated with the public involvement. In conjunction with the IYA 2009 NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has organized an observation period where public is invited to share the experience during the above timeframe.NASA news says that there would be lot of events happening ranging from webcasts, tours and education-related showcases, to rocket launchings. The organixing is conducted by the Astrophysics Science Division at Goddard, letting the general public to have a general impression on Galileo and his 400 year old legacy-IYA...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pluto Day Today: Pluto Rejuvenates in the Illinoisan Sense

The Pluto is again declared a planet in the State of Illinois and it's celebrated today under the theme "Pluto Day" today upon the discovery of the controversial heavenly body back in 1930.R0046 LRB096 04130 KXB 14171 r 1 SENATE RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of the planet Pluto, 3 was born on a farm near the Illinois community of Streator; and 4 WHEREAS, Dr. Tombaugh served as a researcher at the 5 prestigious Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona; and 6 WHEREAS, Dr. Tombaugh first detected the presence of Pluto 7 in 1930; and 8 WHEREAS, Dr. Tombaugh is so far the only Illinoisan and 9 only American to...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

SPS - Society of Physics Students dominates IYA 2009

The SPS - Society of Physics Students- and Sigma Pi Sigma are collaborating in celebration of IYA 2009 and YoS - Year of Science. All the affiliated events will be launched with the theme " A Universe of Wonder"SPS will work together with other respective participants for IYA 2009 in the special Cornerstand project, which is aimed at enabling 1M students to build their own telescope to experience the effect on how the great Italian mastermind could have observed the heavens. Coined as "Galileoscopes" these telescope will help amateurs to enjoy and feel the presence of IYA 2009 to the bottoms of their hearts while it lasts. SPS SOCKs - Science...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Galileoscope Impresses All, Tried it?

Being strangers to their own skies, our ancestors were able to observe the heavens, 4 centuries ago, as the telescope came into being. He was none other than Galileo Galilei, an Italian who changes the way of the flow of the world. He was so selfless that he illustrated his observations and published them and left behind all of the legacies with his demise. However with gratitude to this influential man, his offspring is advancing towards distant goals and thus 2009 remarks the 400th anniversary of the primordial telescopic observations, ever done by an Earthling -Galileo- Although Galileo's telescope was so primitive relative to present telescopes,...

Monday, March 9, 2009

IYA 2009 Random but important poster, I came across online


Sunday, March 8, 2009

IYA 2009 makes oldest telescopes to flock together in Adler Planetarium

1609 has been the turning point of human civilization for the fact that it was the very occasion when an individual earthling was able to observe the heavens of the universe and it will prove that soon. Thus Galileo Galilei's observation led to greater enhancements later on and after 400 years, celebrating the 4th century of the initial outreach International year of Astronomy resembles the importance of astronomy and its fundamental and sublime influence on almost everything.In connection with the IYA 2009 the Adler Planetarium is arranging an exhibition of world's oldest telescopes to have more popularization towards the IYA 2009. This will...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

IYA 2009 & Globe at Night 2009

IYA 2009 Plan"Globe at Night" the 4th segment of the International Star-counting Program will be launched with a massive participation from 16th-28th March 2009 and is treated as a major happening in the Dark Sky Awareness Cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, known as IYA 2009.The classic citizen-science exercise, involving people, regardless of their expertise, to enjoy gazing at the constellation of Orion,with their naked eyes is more popularized this time than ever. Meantime scientific efforts will be carried-out using standard equipment to obtain precise and digital measurements to enhance the degree of overall...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Famous Deutsches Museum gets ready for IYA2009

The reputed Deutsches Museum is arranging a well-planned scenario for celebrating IYA 2009.The activities include following: Evolution of the Universe ExhibitionA show explaining how our Universe has developed, starting from the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, and bringing us up to the present day. Questions that puzzle astronomers will be examined, and there will even be a look into the cosmic future. Reopening of the Renovated Goerz-ReflectorAfter a year's absence, this lovingly-restored telescope will be back in action! A public observation night will give it the return it deserves. 40 Years after the Moon LandingAn exhibition focusing on...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

University of Texas at San Antanio (UTSA) Celebrates IYA 2009

BRIEFING:An interesting IYA 2009 promoting session has been arranged by the UTSA Department of Physics and Astronomy and these sessions are to be held at the end of the every month starting from February 2009. The first session "Friday Nights, Celestial Lights!" was a grand successful event, which was held from 6:30 p.m. onwards on Friday, Feb. 27 with a free screening of "Cosmic Voyage" in the Science Building Theater (2.01.12) on the 1604 Campus.In these sessions UTSA Department of Physics and Astronomy invites public to UTSA Science Building to view a multimedia presentation, to observe through the telesccopes of the department and to learn...

MiraCosta College is on its way to unveil spectacular mural-sized images

MiraCosta College now reserves the privilege of hosting the unveiling of 2 new mural-sized images of the famous spiral galaxy M 101 (Messier 101). The unveiling will be from NASA's Three Great Observatories: namely The Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer Space Telescope, and Chandra X-ray Observatory.Updates/ ReportsThere was a public talk by Dr. Michelle Thaller of the California Institute of Technology on Friday, February 27, at 7:30 p.m. in the gym at MiraCosta, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside and this was followed by a star-gazing party where the attendees got an opportunity to enjoy the starry night skies with MiraCosta's telescopes and other facilities....

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