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Saturday, May 30, 2009

IYA 2009 Special Projects

The IYA 2009 Cornerstone Projects are backed up by a set of different projects which are called as IYA 2009 Special Projects. The Special Projects play a vital role in contributing to integrate IYA 2009 related global bodies and thus making it easier to achieve common goals of International Year of Astronomy 2009. In fact they are there to further boost the upheaval of heavenly year 2009. At the moment there are 10 approved Special Projects, contributing to IYA 2009. Please find below the Special Projects.
Special Projects of International Year of Astronomy 2009 | IYA 2009

  1. The World at Night
  2. 400 Years of the Telescope
  3. Galilean Satellites
  4. Around the World
  5. Exoplanet Hunters
  6. 1919 Eclipse
  7. The Sky - yours to Discover
  8. "BLAST!" - The movie
  9. StarPeace
  10. GalileoMobile
The Special Projects fall into a category which could launch large-scale projects in spite of equivalent 12 Cornerstone Projects . However there's a certain qualifications to satisfy, if you are to submit a Special Project and get it officially authorized.

Let your candidate to be "Special Project" be X, where

  1. X should coincide with one of the goals of IYA 2009 and align with the vision of IYA 2009.
  2. X should be a worldwide project, meaning that there should be an international and global audience.
  3. X should remain financially independent without seeking monetary assistance from the secretariat of IYA 2009.
  4. X should possess the ability of being carried out successfully in an appropriate manner.
  5. X should majorly be implemented during 2009, if it is to go beyond 2009.
If your candidate "X" is able to satisfy above criterion, you may submit a motivation to the Secretariat of IYA 2009 | |This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , clearly explaining how each of the guidelines is met and satisfied.

Try to arrange an IYA 2009 Special project in your own country and contribute to this worthy and global cause. Contact your national node and SPoC (Special Points of Contact) for more discussion. All the best! Cheers!

Visit the official page here