Astronomy Camp at AIS 2011

Well, this is the first blog post that I'm publishing after 2 months. I'm really sorry about the absence of updates and news as i was really busy with University academics and AIESEC work. This post is about the Astronomy camp that we conducted for the Asian International School (AIS) last 18th of March

The Blog Has Moved !

Saturday, January 30, 2010

IYA2009 Commemorative Coins Issued by Many Countries Worldwide

As the title of this post hints, there were lot of countries involved in this worldwide celebration during 2009, which was the 400th anniversary of both the discovery of telescope for astronomical observation by Galileo Galilei and the publication of “Astronomia Nova” by Johannes Kepler. These were the reasons which were prominent in specifying 2009 as the IYA. Therefore many countries took part in different projects and they didn’t stop from that, and went on further by issuing commemorative material to cherish the IYA2009. There were books, coins. stamps, medallions and many more. I’ve focused here on the coins and numismatic issues that have...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A New Blog Dedicated to IYA2009 Coins/ Numismatic Issues

It's not more than 2 days, since I created this new blog. It's a .blogspot as well. The aim of this attempt was to feature all the coins issued for IYA2009 by different countries, in celebration of International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009, which was the last year). I searched forIYA2009 coins & scanned many sites/ blogs in search of IYA2009 coins/ numismatic issues dedicating a whole lot of time during last 2 days. Then I created the blog and now it has 8 posts, 7 of which feature IYA2009 coins issued by Australia, Austria, Canada, Malaysia, Italy, Germany, & San Marino. Here is a screen shot of...

Hello, Red Planet ! Participating Countries and News

Here is a detailed description on each of the confirmed participating countries for of the Hello, Red Planet !, Global Mars Observation Campaign. There are information on how to reach local contacts together with their e-mail ids as well. More important thing is that you can know about the club/ association who's supporting for this worthy cause, along with their respective country. Here is the list, Credit should go to Argentina Date: 26th to 30th Time: - Location: Natural Sciences Municipal Museum of Mar del Plata city. Organizer: ACHERNAR - Difusión de la Astronomía Contact: Claudia...

Beauty Without Borders: Hello, Red Planet !

The universe is such an amazing place that always leaves us with something to explore, on our own. But many people miss the joy of experiencing and enjoying this awesome beauty. Beauty Without Borders is a project of Astronomers Without Borders and Sidewalk Astronomers. Hello, Red Planet ! Yes, Hello, Earthling! how are you ? Well, don't expect something like that, Hello, Red Planet is the Martian Observation Campaign that's set up by the Astronomers Without Borders and Sidewalk Astronomers.There would be a global partnership for this project, with 13 countries have now confirmed their participation. Hello, Red Planet will allow many people...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Annular Solar Eclipse Expedition 2010 & Outreach Campaign

As many of you are aware, we went on an expedition to bring out a live webcast of the annular solar eclipse that took place on last 15th January 2010. The other priority of this eclipse expedition was to conduct an outreach campaign enabling as many peoples as possible to watch the eclipse with safe methods. (If you have been with my other blog which is dedicated to eclipse 2010, you must have known the whole story, for I brought up an updated bulletin about our eclipse expedition right from the beginning through the end) Well, I will try to tell you the story without exhausting you guys, because it's bit long, If you really wanna know the...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

IYA2009 Closing Ceremony : It's now all over

Here concludes the IYA2009, I was lucky enough to catch up the last part of the show as the current came back, and I also lost the recovery of previous session of recording, as the current suddenly went down.. the recovery with camtasia failed.. Catherine at the last moments of IYA2009 Closing Ceremony !! OK, here is Robert Williams new President of IAU, bidding farewell to IYA2009, with his speech !! Well of course, Franco Pacini should be thanked for if it had not been his idea, there wouldn't have been an IYA !! I remember how Catherine Cesarsky the former president of International Astronomical Union, thanked him even yesterday during...

Continuing the Story of Ron Ekers, with my Built-in Teleblog

I have some more images to be posted featuring Ron Ekers, Ron and Lee may be having coffee and I'm stipp uploading th images.. Hold on.. well the upload done, here go the images.................and apparently the Coffee session is over, a laughter from the audience, Oh Damn !! The current went down, gius it's now that the current came in !! What an attack to my teleblog !! I don't know what caused this, and now I'n hearing the name of H G Wells in the and Shape of Things to Come, we I've read this book, lol >> Atomic Bomb, coining a new word !! and that's it !! I missed almost 45 minutes, due to this unavoidable current...

IYA2009 Teleblogged : Ron Ekers on "Large Radio Astronomy Projects”

What a closing ceremony it is !! Getting more exciting !! New innovative ideas/ suggestions to carry forward the basic theme of IYA2009, yes it should go beyond IYA2009, and I hopw it will continue to do so, in the times to come !! I was just having a break after making the first post of my so-called tele-blogging (Is it a legal word, let me know, I don't think I coined a word, do I ?) I just googled "teleblogging" lolz, it says there are 34,200 results, And Yes, the 4 Noble Prizes in astronomy !! Any way now back to tele-blogging, I was listening to the comprehensive presentation given by Ron Ekers on "Large Radio Astronomy Projects”....

IYA2009 Closing Ceremony, Padua, Italy -- For me it's Tele- blogging

Yes, Lee Pullen, You and cosmic diary have inspired me !! I am grateful that I can tele-blog from Sri Lanka about the same event as you do, with the inspiration from you !! Well now the fascinating talk of astronomy in wavelengths is over, I wish it went some time, but we should be aware that it's time permitting as well,  Thank you Isabelle Grenier for such an educating presentation, I really liked the slides she used, Now comes another person to the podium, and I can see that the name of the person, engraved in the beautiful holder, is replaced. As I recall it was Sabrina, who was doing this stuff and I remember how she was helping...

IYA2009 Closing Ceremony Day 2

The last day of the IYA2009 Closing Ceremony, is today , 10th of January 2010, or in numerical way, 10/01/2010 , well I see a certain significance in this number, What about you? zeros, ones and just a two, Well, now let's go to the story !! In the morning following events took place, If you have already gone through the agenda, you will have an insight of those, In the meantime I recorded the event and as it seems now, there has been something gone with my recorder, however I was successful yesterday and I uploaded 3 videos to youtube featuring IYA2009 Closing Ceremony, I'm sure there are many to come !! Now it's the noon in Italy, (evening...

IYA2009 Closing Ceremony - Speech of Vincenzo Giorgio,Thales Alenia Space, Principal Sponsor of IYA2009

I just uploaded the video that I recorded, featuring the address of Vincenzo Giorgio, of Thales Alenia Space, Principal Sponsor !! This is what he said in his speech (in video). He spoke on "Unlocking the secrets of the Universe". And I think cocktail party is progressing there in Padua now. I was on a chat with Lee of Cosmicdiary. He was there blogging in his LiveBlog for CosmicDiary and the live stream is also finished now. I wonder if they are gonna start the streaming again for the Orchestra to happen tonight !! Don't forget to catch up Lee Pullen with his Live blog tomorrow @ !! And this is the video !! ...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Agenda of Closing Ceremony International Year of Astronomy 9-10 January 2010, Padova - Italy

Here in the beyond2009 site I just came across the PDF version of the program of Closing Ceremony International Year of Astronomy 9-10 January 2010, Padova - Italy. Go ahead and download it !! Here is the link and I'm posting the same thing here for your convenience !! Link : Saturday, January 9th 10:00 - 13:30 Registration Session I - Welcome and Overview of IYA2009 - Chair: Edoardo Vesentini 14:00 - 15:00 Welcome addresses: Giuseppe Zaccaria Università di Padova, Rector; Flavio Zanonato, Padova Mayor; Walter Erdelen, UNESCO Assistant Director General; Robert Williams, IAU President; Tommaso...

Watch IYA2009 Closing Ceremony Live from Padua, Italy

It's the IYA2009 closing ceremony which is the major focus online, among astronomy folks, No exception here as well in Sri Lanka, Just catch up the latest happenings of IYA2009 - Closing ceremony if you didn't make it to Padua already. You can watch the Closing ceremony Live here with the internet broadcast at the beyond2009 site. The Live Link : And never miss the LiveBlog of Lee Pullen here at Cosmic Diary :) Here is the Link, it's a live update blog and keep refreshing the page at regular intervals to get the latest posts.

A tour to Tangalle in seach of Better skies , December 2009 featuring with Google Map

Last December 2009, we went to Tangalle, located in Southeastern Sri Lanka in search of better skies. Tangalla was ideal for deep sky observation with it's less light-polluted environment. Here is the Google map that I've created featuring the tour, in search of better skies. Here is the link for Google Map

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Tribute to Fiami the author of The Lives of Galileo

I have already made a post about Fiami, and his great gift that I received during the Christmas season. I got many great feedback on that and even my friends wanted to read it, as none of them had the comic book with them, So I thought of doing a youtube video featuring Fiami,I think you guys have visited his site @ and in addition you can find different translations of this book as well, Fiami has also authored a special comic book which is titled The Lives of Einstein, the way Fiami sees and make others understand simple fact very easily , is really greatHere it is!! Go ahead and watch it !! Please don't forget to rate and comment...

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